La Petite Bouchée Dining Club
Since we opened, we've run a loyalty card scheme where diners have enjoyed discounts, drinks and on visiting 6 times a free meal. We will continue to do this with new customers who ask for a loyalty card at the end of their meal. Front of house will ask to see your card when they present the bill so they can check off your visit.
June saw the launch of our La Petite Bouchée Dining Club. This club entitles the holder 10% off a meal on every visit together with access to new menus and tastings first. We will also be offering the opportunity to come to other special events through out the year.
The La Petite Bouchée Dining club will be restricted to 40 members in its first year with the first 12 tickets being allocated to regular diners, i.e those people who have been one a month in our first year. These cards will be issued Free of Charge.
A further 28 Membership cards with be issued by front of house on request and will cost £20.00 per annum. The £20.00 fee can be added to the bill or it is possible to pay here via paypal.
1. Each card has a unique number that is recorded and kept on record here.
2. The card is non transferable
3. The card can only be used against the purchase of food at La Petite Boucheé
4. The card can only be used 2 per month
5. The card cannot be sold on to another user.
6. We will record personal data including your name, address, telephone number and email address. Your unique membership number will be checked against your details.
7. We will NEVER use your data for any other reason but contacting you and your details will never be sold to any third party companies or individuals.