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Writer's pictureAnita-Clare Field

Blessed Be The Fruit..

"A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love". - Saint Basil

We're a bit excited today. Today, we become the only restaurant in North Devon and one of only two restaurants in the county to be championing the Carbon Free Dining scheme. The other restaurant in the county being Liaise Bistro in Newton Abbott.

We were approached by Richard via Linked in who told us all about the incredible partnership between The Green Earth Appeal and The United Nations. The Green Earth Appeal was formed to provide the poorest communities in the developing world with the opportunity to remove their dependence on unsustainable aid. Through the provision of education, infrastructure and practical resources we plant high volume high yielding fruit trees which creates a sustainable environment for future generations.

Like most people, Caro and I care very deeply about the earth we live in and the impact that climate change is having on the world. At one time or another Caro's 3 siblings have lived in Africa, her eldest sister and family still live on farm in Botswana. Caro has travelled extensively in Africa and has witnessed first hand the poverty and Inertia, it's heartbreaking and so anything we can do to help educate, create sustainability and eradicate poverty is very high up on our list of socially responsible priorities.

How we can help

By paying the small donation on your bill 99pence to be exact, The Green Earth Appeal guarantee to plant a fruit tree in the developing world. The donation is of course optional and can be deducted from your bill at your request. We are proud to have started our campaign with 100 trees already planted.

Not only will your tree counterbalance the carbon footprint of your meal but it will provide empowerment and opportunity for some of the developing world’s poorest communities and ultimately, help bring an end to poverty.

Here's the good news

By dining at La Petite Bouchée, you help to provide:

  • Food to those who are starving

  • Education to those that would otherwise go without

  • Income to those that are poor

  • Shelter to those that need it most

  • Fodder for animals which are a main source of livelihood in the developing world

Here's a short video explaining things further.

Here's to planting lots of trees in the future and changing lives

To find out more or to see other restaurants involved in this amazing scheme visit the Carbon Free Dining website or follow them on Social Media: Twitter / Facebook

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